Harshada Pathare


Harshada Pathare

Harshada Pathare

Paranormal Romance, Women's Fiction, Poetry, Religion & Spirituality

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2020

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  • Born

    7 June

  • Profession

    Author , Creative Consultant


Author and Independent Thinker, Harshada Pathare creates connections via art.

Her purpose: enrich and empower people and elevate the common story one word at a time.

Her style: Living life with no fears of depths, learning to create an open dialogue between heart and mind.

Take a moment to imagine a perfect world—one that requires no improvement. Difficult, right? But not just that. It’s really rather unpleasant.

As long as creativity persists in the universe, there will always be room for improvement…and those who fail to forge new tools, blaze better paths and dream ‘XL’ will neither leave a legacy nor live with life’s true pleasures.

That said, my journey as a writer isn’t terribly unique. (Thinking’s the tricky part!) I simply wish to express myself, and syntax is the tool I’ve chosen. It may have been music. It may have been clicking, but nothing compares to the love I have for language and its voltage.



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